My joking about their actions: I’ve seen the corruption. I saw the possible agent seated next to the gym owner and his lawyer who were both standing up for being sovereign living beings. This possible agent doing constant jerky movements in the corner of the eye of the speaker as psychological warfare. (Movements in the corner if your eye you check to make sure aren’t dangers. It’s a safety response this possible agent is triggering.) I saw the silent communication between the bald cop and that possible agent in passing like do all the jerky movements like we taught you. I saw the bald cop and the possible agent both checking in on someone offscreen in the back of the room on what actions to take. The dark kabbalah is shutting down and you who happily serve against the good of man will pay! Highest Source has been counting your debts. Our histories have carried on. Your karmic debt you can not run from. It has clung to your energies no matter how much you hide from it. You will not get to hide behind your fake admiralty law anymore under your fringed flag. All you who happily serve black’s law in secret will pay. You bootlicking free masons. Free as in no cost (you are exploitable/disposable trash to the robed ones). And mason as in one who works stone-or in this case against it. You who work against the philosopher’s stone, the pineal gland: you’re just dull and trying to bring others down to your level. There will be no mercies for you and your energies cannot escape your debt from life to life: you got a mirrored reflection of your intended effects coming to the extent of your ill intent if you don’t change your ways. Highest Source is with me so don’t say I self-inflicted running out of hit points, that won’t work for you. In 2023 even the dark system was smart enough to turn away from following the dark one (see the ’23 quarter with the head turned away from “In God we trust” because even they know it’s time to change over.) Jesus is not God. He is a son. I am a son. And you are a “unique, or one of a kind, son or daughter as well. Highest Source (male and female) energies be with everyone who is for love and caring for all, and not for just the self. Love does not mean marking for abuse as you abusers think it does. I know how you think..by thinking that you only fool yourself and set your own self destruction and inevitable downfall. Supposedly, 40% of cops have caused family domestic abuse (of those that have come forward). The earth is flat. See the UN flag for the map maybe? Flat, surrounded by the ice wall, and the magic dome, or firmament, that allows rain through. Lookup nasa rat on YT for a laugh. Lookup 24 hours of daylight on YT for beautiful sights (I like the video on the mountain best).